Since the beginning of Christianity, the Church as a community has recognized and celebrated in a public way those important moments throughout our lives when God is present to us, individually and communally. We are called to renew our understanding and participation in these defining moments of our faith journey that are called the sacraments.

The Church has seven important occasions to celebrate when God and his people interact in a special way through not only words but also symbolic action. The symbols, referred to often as “outward signs,” and their related actions help us to express those deep divine and human realities of life, love, death and joy in our life.

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)


4:00 to 4:30 p.m. Saturday @ Holy Redeemer
For other times please call the office for an appointment.

Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick


First Wednesday of each month @ Holy Redeemer at the 9:00 Mass or by appointment.

Sacrament of Marriage – Parish Wedding Coordinator


Plan at least one year in advance to begin marriage preparation and to schedule a wedding date.

Patti Hess: 252-261-4700

Sacrament of Baptism

Parish registration and parental participation in Baptismal Preparation is necessary. The parents of the child must have completed a Baptismal Preparation Class prior to scheduling the Baptism.  To schedule a class, please contact the parish office at 252-261-4700.


Sacrament of Confirmation Preparation


The Diocese of Raleigh has established requirements that mandate this Sacrament to be a Two-Year program

Kerri Engley: 252-261-4700, x207

Sacrament of First Communion Preparation


This is a two year program, with First Eucharist being received toward the end of Second Grade

Kerri Engley: 252-261-4700, x207

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) (formerly known as RCIA) – Please contact Deacon Mark Mueller at 757-746-4782 or

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